Master Spaced Repetition Learning

Best spaced repetition app to add clarity and structure to your study sessions. Create or browse flashcards in seconds and learn them with customized spaced repetition algorithms.
Free to use

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Works offline

and syncs across devices

Intuitive design

create, share and learn cards

Personalized learning

algorithm presents for your goals

Based on 17K+ reviews

Master Spaced Repetition Learning
Trusted by students from

Join efforts with friends

Why not turn studying into a social thing? Working together on flashcards saves time and makes studying way more fun. Plus, making a mutual commitment to your study buddy can seriously boost how well you both do on exams.  
Join efforts with friends

Follow a smart review schedule

Using your feedback and the Forgetting Curve, the app schedules your flashcard reviews right before you're likely to forget the information. Practice daily to try spaced repetition at its best!
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Follow a smart review schedule

Switch between algorithm presents

Let the Spaced Repetition algorithm work its magic for a week or so when preparing for exams. Tight on time? Review all cards in a row. Pick 'Study Languages' and 'Study Medical Material' to let the spaced repetition app better suit those specific goals.
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Switch between algorithm presents

Track your progress

Approach microlearning in the app as a scientific experiment! Explore inspiring stats and share progress with your friends and followers. Stick to reviewing spaced repetition flashcards and get streaks to be proud of.
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Track your progress

Collaborate with friends

Create cards with your study buddies, adding notes to the same decks. Share a deck of flashcards you’ve made in just a few clicks. Quiz each other. Foster collaboration and connection to achieve mutual goals!
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Collaborate with friends

Explore decks in the library

Want to save time or need some extra inspiration to make flashcards online? Find high-quality decks of flashcards in the Anki Pro’s library with over 50,000 decks! From basic subjects to niche topics, connect with like-minded users through their work for the community!
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User Reviews

Instagram logo designed with a gradient of purple, pink, orange, and yellow colors, ideal for enhancing learning through flashcards.
Spaced repetition Anki Pro algorithms work better than the original Anki spaced repetition program.
May 17, 2024
Spaced repetition anki flashcards really work for me because I know there’s a structure behind my study goals, not just anxious cramming the night before exams.
February 4, 2024
Zarina Groevaya
Zarina Groevaya
Instagram logo designed with a gradient of purple, pink, orange, and yellow colors, ideal for enhancing learning through flashcards.
SRS Anki Pro algorithms are the best way to practice spaced repetition for optimal memory retention.
December 12, 2023
Tia Jones
Med students use anki spaced repetition to deal with crazy amounts of study materials. Spaced repetition flashcards at Anki Pro are my favorite way to prepare for med school exams! 🔥
April 3, 2024
Spaced repetition is like reviewing at the right moments to make information stick🌼 You can use app like Anki Pro which uses spaced repetition for effective learning.
December 20, 2023
Missy C
Missy C
Instagram logo designed with a gradient of purple, pink, orange, and yellow colors, ideal for enhancing learning through flashcards.
Feeling some serious frustration with French lately, but Anki Pro is keeping me sane 🤯🇫🇷
March 19, 2023
Christina K
Christina K
Share deck anki experience was life-changing when preparing for my first med school exam. The amount of material to learn was enormous, so collab with friends was crucial.
April 26, 2024
Instagram logo designed with a gradient of purple, pink, orange, and yellow colors, ideal for enhancing learning through flashcards.
Favorite spaced repetition app for learning new vocabulary. My secret is to curate decks and subdecks carefully so that learning feels structured and fun!
June 11, 2024
Instagram logo designed with a gradient of purple, pink, orange, and yellow colors, ideal for enhancing learning through flashcards.
Spaced repetition Anki Pro algorithms work better than the original Anki spaced repetition program.
May 17, 2024


What is Anki Pro?

What is spaced repetition?

Can I use Anki Pro for free?

Can I learn all cards in a row without spaced repetition?

Is Anki Pro suitable for all types of learners?

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