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Best Vocabulary Flashcard Decks

Shereene Idriss
Shereene Idriss
Linguist & Educator
2 de setembro de 2024
4 min read

It is proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that vocabulary plays an essential role in learning any language. This is one of the elements that combines the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing all together. Just to communicate well in a foreign language, students must acquire a sufficient number of words and must know how to use them correctly. To memorize vocabulary, the active participation of all types of memory is very important:

  • visual, which is trained by reading and writing words;
  • auditory, which develops during the perception of a foreign language by ear and in the process of oral speech;
  • motor, the participation of which is associated with the work of the speech organs and the act of writing words;
  • logical, with the help of which a complete understanding and comprehensive thinking through of the learned material occurs.

Since vocabulary is the main building material of speech, i.e., its content side, mastering the vocabulary of a foreign language is a prerequisite for the development of all speech skills. It follows that teaching a lexical skill is not the final goal but a means of teaching all types of speech activity.

Why Should You Use Flashcards?

The purpose of spaced repetition is to record the words you are learning in long-term memory. Make studying less stressful with flashcards. It is important to say that using flashcards is an effective method for:

  • remembering lexical meaning;
  • increasing motivation to learn a foreign language;
  • studying the graphic form of words;
  • the transition of words from passive vocabulary to active;
  • rapid speech reproduction of a word.

In fact, vocabulary development is an important task for learning foreign languages. By increasing your vocabulary, you can better master the language and become more competent in its use. By the way, vocabulary includes not only individual words but also stable combinations of words, phrases, proverbs, and sayings.

Top 5000 Spanish Vocabulary

The basis of spoken Spanish vocabulary is interstyle vocabulary, which is stylistically neutral for all functional styles. Knowing a large number of words and expressions will help make Spanish speech expressive. Nevertheless, it is vital not just to memorize words but also to understand how, where, and in what meaning they are used.

To learn to consistently and correctly express your thoughts in Spanish, you need constant practice, which will not only expand your vocabulary but will also prevent you from forgetting it. This deck implies a useful language series that is designed to focus on learning Spanish vocabulary. There are approximately 10002 cards here.

Korean Vocabulary by Evita

The lexical system of the Korean language consists of words that, according to their origin, can be divided into three distinct groups: native Korean words, including rich onomatopoeia, Sino-Korean words, borrowings, which in turn are divided into Anglicisms, borrowings from Japanese and other languages. The presented deck contains 5807 notes.

Japanese Vocabulary

Japanese vocabulary has a number of features that make it unique and different from other languages. The vocabulary of the Japanese language can be compared with the vocabulary of Altaic or Austronesian languages. However, Japanese can be recognized as an isolated language.

Due to the geographical features of Japan, there are a dozen dialects of the language. The presented deck contains 36394 notes. The use of these words undoubtedly helps students master the main aspects of the charming Japanese language.

Finnish Vocabulary

Finnish is a gender-neutral language. Here, words are not divided into genders, and there are no pronouns “he” and “she”. There is only the pronoun hän, meaning some kind of animate third person, and the pronoun se, namely an inanimate third person. Therefore, without additional information, it is difficult to understand the gender of the character from the text. Finnish learners to pick up a language and understand 2573 the most common words.

Basic French Vocabulary

The French language developed from the colloquial form of the Latin language, so the original fund of the French language consists mainly of words of Latin origin. Meanwhile, vocabulary in French is not only a means of communication but also a real art. The richness, expressiveness, and precision of words make the French language unique and attractive to learn.

Get to know French vocabulary and discover its amazing possibilities with this electronic deck. The presented deck contains 4051 notes.

Chinese Vocabulary

The principal peculiarity of the Chinese language is its strict structure and word order. Simply put, words have a clearly defined position and grammatical connections are precisely defined. This is due to the fact that words do not change morphologically, which leads to the impossibility of forming any relationships other than grammatical between words. Proposals are built clearly according to certain templates, the number of which is not very large, and their variations are also insignificant. The deck contains about 194 words needed for every day’s communication.

Ancient Greek Basic Vocabulary

The vocabulary of the ancient Greek language is rich and varied. It contains many words that have no direct analog in other languages. The vocabulary of the ancient Greek language, along with Latin, served as a source for the formation of modern scientific terminology. This deck has approximately 1064 cards. The list will assist Ancient Greek learners in developing their vocabularies.

Russian Beginner Vocabulary

The vocabulary of the Russian language consists of various lexical layers. This vocabulary wealth has developed as a result of the historical development of the Russian language. The main part of the Russian language consists of native Russian words. In addition to the original vocabulary, the vocabulary of the Russian language includes a large number of words borrowed from other languages, Slavic and non-Slavic. In this deck of flashcards, you will find a list of the 26 most commonly used Russian words to begin your journey of mastering Russian vocabulary.

Polish English Vocabulary

For a start, Polish is one of the most fascinating and famous Slavic languages. It is used in Poland and other countries where Polish communities live. The Polish language has its own characteristics, grammatical rules, and rich vocabulary that make it interesting to learn and use. This deck constitutes a contemporary language series that is designed to focus on learning Polish numbers. There are approximately 5411 notes here.

Arabic Vocabulary from Duolingo

The vocabulary of modern Arabic has evolved from the extremely rich vocabulary of the classical language, which has absorbed the diverse vocabulary of tribal dialects. By memorizing these words with the AnkiPRO platform, you will be able to express yourself clearly. The presented deck contains 1034 notes.

Key Takeaways

When learning a foreign language, one way or another, you will encounter unfamiliar words, even if your level of language proficiency is high. Without any doubt, their meaning can be understood from the context, but they can still be taught. A rich vocabulary is the main component of beautiful and correct speech. If you have difficulty remembering, feel free to use electronic decks with AnkiPro flashcards. Learn words quickly and efficiently with the help of a smart word memorization trainer.

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