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Best TOEFL Flashcard Decks

Kai Ling Abang
Kai Ling Abang
2 de setembro de 2024
2 min read

American and European education is famous for its high quality. Our universities make use of effective approaches to learning, developing students as competent professionals. Accordingly, applicants from all over the world dream of enrolling in universities in Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Great Britain, Germany, and the USA.

Meanwhile, statistics confirm that academic programs in English are in great demand among future specialists, compared to training in local languages. In this case, to enter a prestigious university you cannot do without an international certificate of language proficiency.

So, you need the results of the international TOEFL exam if you are going to study in colleges and universities in the USA, Canada and a number of other English-speaking countries.

The certificate with the number of points scored is a prerequisite for admission to more than 7,500 thousand educational institutions around the world. Electronic decks with AnkiPro flashcards are one of the most effective ways to prepare for this exam.

Why Do You Need a TOEFL Certificate?

The majority of common people dream of working, studying or permanently residing in the United States and the countries of the European Union. However, to realize all these dreams, you need to overcome many difficulties.

A TOEFL certificate can be a good ally in achieving your goals. So, if you would like to truly change your life, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the opportunities it opens up.

For many people, the TOEFL exam is associated with a purely academic test, which applies only to those who decide to study in American educational institutions. It should be noted that in most cases this is true. The test is taken mainly by students wishing to enroll in foreign universities and business schools for master’s, bachelor’s, postgraduate and other popular programs.

Nowadays, the TOEFL certificate is accepted by lots of universities in 130 countries, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and European countries.

Nevertheless, the TOEFL possibilities are not limited to just studying. A certificate of this test may be required when applying for employment in a foreign company.

As a rule, its availability is a prerequisite for employment, especially for vacancies that involve live communication with native speakers. By the way, TOEFL scores are often required even for internship applications. That is why, the certificate is the first stage in building a successful career at an international level.

Having a TOEFL certificate will make it easier for you to gain access to non-profit and government agencies in the country you are interested in. For instance, when contacting some organizations, you may be asked to provide the results of this test to verify your knowledge of the English language. What counts here is that there are quite a lot of such institutions around the world.

Top TOEFL Flashcard Decks 2024

It’s no secret that TOEFL test results provide a certain amount of freedom. If you decide to move to one of the English-speaking countries for permanent residence, most likely, the consulate will ask you to provide a certificate of this test. By the way, plenty of immigration services require proof of English language skills when entering their country, especially when applying for permanent residence, work or student visas.

If you want to successfully pass this exam, you need to hire a tutor or enroll in a training course, where you will be introduced to all the intricacies of passing this test, provided with manuals and coached on possible tasks over the course of several weeks.

An excellent solution for self-preparation for the test will be AnkiPro flashcards containing vocabulary encountered in the exam, as well as explaining other features of the exam.

Advanced English for IELTS, TOEFL, CPE, CAE

To pass the TOEFL with a high score, you need to speak English at the Advanced level. It is also necessary to find out the deadline for submitting documents to the universities of interest.

This deck implies a useful language series that is designed to focus on studying for TOEFL. There are approximately 789 cards here.

400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL

There are a huge number of classifications of TOEFL vocabulary, but the words are, by and large, repeated. We would like to offer you three words that appear quite often in the TOEFL exam texts.

The presented deck contains 402 notes. The use of these words undoubtedly helps students master the main aspects of the language and be ready to pass the exam.

The Most Important Words of TPO for TOEFL

Don’t use the same words over and over again. The thing is that if you use the same expression more than 2-3 times in an essay, the grade will be reduced.

For example, when writing an essay about children, do not include the word “children” in every sentence. Look for synonyms, such as “young people”, “teenagers”, “youths” or “adolescents”.

There are situations where it is impossible to completely solve this problem, but try your best. The presented deck contains 1207 notes.

505 Must-know Words for TOEFL IBT Aalaee Class

It is noteworthy that you will not get the desired score by using phrases from the assignment description. Therefore, you should not rely too much on them in your essay.

If the question is about “coworkers”, you should write about “colleagues”. There is no need to completely abandon the vocabulary inherent in the test writers, but consider this golden rule as a basic guideline.

Get to know TOEFL vocabulary and discover its amazing possibilities with this digital deck. The presented deck contains 508 notes.

TOEFL Animals

When talking about animals, we usually group them into sections: a flock of birds, a herd of horses, a swarm of bees, a pack of dogs and the like. This deck has approximately 84 cards. The list will assist TOEFL learners in developing their vocabularies.

Essential Words for the TOEFL

For each essay, there is a list of high-scoring words that students will be rewarded for using. This mainly concerns expressions that were used earlier in essays and received a high score the last time this topic was raised. It is impossible to find out a list of such phrases, however, by expanding your own vocabulary, you increase the chance of “hitting the target.”

The deck contains about 450 words needed for passing the exam.

The Most Repetitive 505 Words for TOEFL

You need to use words – reasoning. Many teachers also call them “linking words.” Basically, they serve to sequentially connect thoughts with each other. The electronic verifier is programmed to look for them. As to a living reader, he/she will certainly increase your grade for them. If you avoid such expressions, you risk earning fewer points, even if your grammar is otherwise excellent. There are approximately 507 notes here.

Most Common TOEFL Words

You can get extra points for “difficult” words, but the ability to use them, unfortunately, takes years to develop. However, the words in this electronic deck will help you quickly improve your results.

The presented deck contains 2466 notes.

Delta’s Key to TOEFL ibt – Persian

The selection of words for the TOEFL exam will be useful primarily for those who decide to take this exam. These words for TOEFL will diversify your speech with words of a high level of English proficiency.

Top 2056 words for TOEFL contains words that can be useful not only in the exam, but also in real life.

1212 TOEFL

It’s no secret that the most difficult thing in the IELTS and TOEFL tests is the vocabulary or set of words that you need to know. The fact is that these are usually quite rare words and expressions. There are approximately 1317 notes here.

Key Takeaways

Obtaining a certificate with TOEFL results is your chance to change your life and become freer in choosing your country of residence, place of work or study. Study for the test with AnkiPro service, pass it, and move towards achieving your individual goals!

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