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Best Geography Flashcard Decks

Geography concerns all aspects of human life and society. It is most closely related to the real life of every citizen of the country. Now people travel very often, visit different countries, which means that huge distances are no longer a significant obstacle. However, for a holistic view of the world, it is necessary to study geography. With the AnkiPRO app you can learn quickly and in a fun format.

Why Should You Study Geography?

Let’s start with the fact that modern geographical science plays an important role in solving the problems of the country’s development. Simply put, a developed understanding of the planet, its structure and surface creates a complete picture of the world. Based on this knowledge, we conduct business and economic activities. In addition, geography provides more complete knowledge about nature, population and economy.

Moreover, it is necessary for developing policies for its development since it ensures control over the state of nature and participates in the development of a system of measures to combat the negative consequences of human impact on nature. What matters here is that by means of geography we can get forecasts of changes and development of individual territories.

Top Geography Flashcard Decks 2024

Modern geography is a natural and social science. Its task is to explain what natural processes and phenomena occur on Earth and how they affect people’s lives. Virtual decks with flash cards will help you study the characteristics of each country. Here’s the top AnkiPRO geography flashcard decks for 2024.

Ultimate Geography v4.1

Geography mastering helps to navigate the world, understand where different countries and cities are located, know which countries and cultures are neighboring, take into account climatic and geographical features when choosing a vacation spot or housing. This electronic deck contains about 1000 geographical problems of varying degrees of difficulty and excellent themes, which are displayed on a conveniently designed interface.

Geography: Countries, Flags, & Oceans

Flags and countries learning helps us better comprehend the cultures and traditions of other peoples. The thing is that flags are symbols of national identity and reflect the historical and cultural aspects of each country. Knowing flags allows us to respect and appreciate the diversity of cultures in the world. There are approximately 563 notes here.

Geography – Oceans & Seas

Ocean studies help humanity understand how ocean changes affect ecosystems and those who live near the sea. This information is key to conducting scientific research, developing fisheries strategies, controlling water pollution and building strong marine structures. Besides, humanity’s dependence on the ocean determines the need for its comprehensive study to satisfy physical, energy and other needs.

Only deep knowledge of all processes will make it possible to effectively use the endless ocean resources without harming the environment and fauna. The presented list contains 57 notes.

Capitales Afrique

It should be noted that Africa’s capitals reflect the continent’s diverse cultures and histories. Traveling through the capitals of Africa will allow you to get acquainted with their rich cultures, traditions and magnificent nature. If you are planning to visit Accra, Antananarivo, Asmara or other African capitals, you should definitely study this e-deck and learn a lot of interesting information about this amazing continent and discover all its delights. The presented deck contains 54 notes.

Capitales Amérique

In America, you can find densely populated countries, as well as countries with low population density. Here, you can see countries with harsh winters and other countries that coexist with high temperatures almost throughout the year. Moreover, there are countries with highly developed economies and those that are still developing.

What counts here is that the American continent has 36 countries and some dependent or autonomous territories that usually belong to other countries not located in the Americas, such as Greenland and the Falkland Islands. The presented deck contains 36 notes. The use of these words assists students in mastering the culture and history of the continent.

Provinces and Capitals of China

In China, administrative division comes down to the fact that the main territorial unit is the province. All provinces of China and cities of central subordination, in addition to their full names, also have short versions. Abbreviated names are often not at all similar to full ones since they are historical and bear the names of ancient states that once occupied the territories of the current provinces. The presented deck contains 226 notes.

Provincias Argentinas Y Sus Capitals

Millions of people are grateful to the work of Jules Verne for giving such an engrossing adventurous book. Nowadays, thousands of fans of Captain Grant go to distant Patagonia to see with their own eyes the exciting and colorful provinces of Argentina. This deck of flashcards will help you get acquainted with all the provinces and capitals of Argentina. The deck contains about 46 flashcards needed for learning the geography of Argentina.

Brasil: Estados e Capitais (Com imagens)

Brazil is an amazing country of contrasts. Here, you can find lush tropical forests as well as fantastic mountains, wild jungles with multimillion-dollar cities, amazing beaches and huge rivers with desert plateaus, roaring waterfalls with attractive quiet ocean bays. This country is known all over the world as a place of football and samba, soap operas and the birthplace of Paulo Coelho, the impenetrable Amazon jungle and magnificent beaches. There are approximately 27 notes here.

Geography of Korea / 한국의 지리

Korea is a dynamically developing country that attracts tourists from all over the world with its culture and lifestyle. It is noteworthy that in Korea, a newborn baby is considered one year old at birth because the nine months of pregnancy are considered part of the child’s first year of life. The presented deck contains 95 notes.

Geografía España

Geographically, Spain is divided into several regions, each of which has its own unique natural environment. The natural contrasts in Spain are striking: if the north-west of the country ranks among the highest in Europe in terms of rainfall, then in the south of Spain, the driest region of this part of the world, you can find almost African semi-desert landscapes with thickets of the dwarf fan palm, the only wild palm in Europe. The presented deck contains 356 notes.

Key Takeaways

Geography is one of the key links in the formation of the modern scientific picture of the world.  It provides a comprehensive understanding of the space of planet Earth, thereby overcoming stereotypes and the everyday view of the “flat” world from the human side. In addition, at this historical stage, geography plays an essential role in explaining modern economic, social, cultural and political processes. With the help of the AnkiPRO service, studying geography will become an accessible, effective and fun activity.

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