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Best Esperanto Flashcard Decks 2024

Shereene Idriss
Shereene Idriss
Linguist & Educator
2 de setembro de 2024
5 min read

Regular cramming doesn’t work? Master the effective flash card method, and then you won’t have to open your textbook with the feeling that everything has been forgotten for exams. Learning Esperanto with a deck is a way to memorize information. This is a system familiar to many people from school.

A deck of cards constitutes ordinary pieces of paper, cardboard or pictures in electronic form with two working sides. On one side of the card, you will see a word, definition, term, or some phenomenon. On the other side, you will find an explanation for it, a translation or a short summary.

Why Do Esperanto Flashcards Decks Work?

When we read a note or listen to a lecture, we passively consume information. Meanwhile, some part of the knowledge is stored in memory, and some flies out of our heads. So, to better remember necessary information, and most importantly, to pull it out of the “memory halls” in time, you should hook up active memorization, as when answering a question.

More than that, when we ourselves collect the answer and generate it, the brain works more actively. Therefore, everything that we said and imagined is automatically remembered better than what we simply saw and heard. What counts here is that flashcards decks make it easy to repeat material. That is why there is no need to carry textbooks and notes with you. Besides, there is no need to turn pages for hours. The technique assists learners in organizing necessary information and refreshing it in memory in small portions at a convenient time.

Top Esperanto Decks 2024

Thanks to advanced modern technologies, it is not at all necessary to print and cut everything out. The point is that the electronic version is suitable. There are special programs for this that also help plan classes and track progress. It comes as no secret that AnkiPRO is one of the best services that allows you to quickly and easily immerse yourself in the world of Esperanto and other foreign languages. Here’s the top Esperanto decks for 2024.

626 Common Esperanto Words

This deck implies a useful language series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of Esperanto learners from high beginning to advance levels. This list identifies morphemes that are quite sufficient to provide almost 95% of the understanding of Esperanto.

It is noteworthy that 626 words are enough to achieve 80% comprehension depending on the frequency of use. By learning these words and expressions, you can achieve extreme expressiveness in Esperanto.

60 Most Common Esperanto Verbs

It goes without saying that verbs imply the vital part of speech in Esperanto since they are used to describe different actions, events, and even states of being. The presented desk includes the most common verbs for everyday communication. The deck is a marvelous way to get started on your journey to mastering the Esperanto language. By memorizing these verbs with the AnkiPRO platform, you will be able to express yourself quite clearly and effectively.

EO All Official Esperanto Words and Roots

Comprehensive and easy to use, the grammar reference and practice books include all Esperanto levels from elementary to advanced. This deck has approximately 10516 notes. The list will assist Esperanto learners in developing their vocabularies. These effective flashcards can be used in a different way with the class, groups, pairs or even for individual learners studying in a Language School or for home learning.

Proverbaro de Esperanto

The presented deck contains 2710 notes. The use of proverbs undoubtedly helps students of Esperanto master the main aspects of this language, namely:

  • pronunciation;
  • grammar.

In addition, this list promotes the development of the most important types of speech activity and speaking. The proverbs offered in this deck are beneficial material for learning how the same thought can be expressed in different words in Esperanto.

Speak Esperanto Like a Native!

These flashcards allow Esperanto learners to achieve high-level language fluency faster than any other method in the world. The deck contains about 600 words needed for every day’s communication. No longer will you keep forgetting the words you learnt! You can use the AnkiPRO service to save your time and effort on memorizing vocabulary and grammar patterns.

Pronunciación de Vocales y Consonantes en Esperanto

This list of flashcards constitutes a sound alphabet in Esperanto that gives language learners a symbol for each type of sound found in Esperanto and therefore provides students with the foundation to figure out how exactly to pronounce words in Esperanto properly. The deck will surely assist in helping you practice and improve!

1000 Palabras en Esperanto y Español

We have chosen this list of 1000 palabras en Esperanto y Español since it is the best data set for those students looking to improve the Esperanto vocabulary. The deck words will be more than enough to get Esperanto learners through any tourist situations and everyday introductions. The more you read these words, the better it is for you to process and learn them by heart.

Lernu Esperanto Course with English Answers

This widely-used classic book helps Esperanto learners to pick up a language and understand more than 1800 of the most common Esperanto-language words and phrases. Start building your Esperanto vocabulary with everyday common units. The more you use decks, the stronger your foreign language skills become.

All Esperanto Sentences with Audio from Tatoeba

If you know 12 000 useful phrases and words, you will be between a functional beginner and conversational level in Esperanto. Don’t miss out on the great opportunity to learn more Esperanto sentences. These common Esperanto expressions are essential for you to learn. You should also make an effort to use them in everyday Esperanto conversations.

Tim’s Esperanto Deck

Feel free to memorize new words and enjoy learning new languages with this deck. This list of Tim’s Esperanto words includes all the basic Esperanto words you should know! Master this deck of about 5400 most common Esperanto words to proceed to more difficult Esperanto units and become an advanced Esperanto learner.

Bottom Line

Do you really want to become a confident Esperanto speaker? Register for a mega effective AnkiPRO service for learning foreign languages with decks. The thing is that flashcards are a wonderful and very convenient way to memorize information. Repetition great helps retain information in memory. More than that, repeating it intermittently gives the brain time to absorb it. This useful combination assists you in learning and remembering almost any type of data.

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