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Best English Grammar Flashcard Decks

Shereene Idriss
Shereene Idriss
Linguist & Educator
2 de setembro de 2024
4 min read

Speaking English without knowing grammar is like trying to build a house without nails, screws and a hammer: you can try to do it, but in the end it will fall apart. Grammar is one of the key elements of learning any language. It will help in communication. Grammatically correct speech, even with a noticeable accent and a meager set of words, is much easier to understand than disordered speech.

So, if you have good grammar and speak without mistakes, people around you will quickly understand you and communicate with pleasure. Grammar will help you master all the basic skills of the English language – speaking, listening, writing and reading. Using AnkiPRO virtual decks with flashcards, you can do this in a fun and regular way.

How Important Is English Grammar in Everyday Life?

Mastering English grammar will help you speak easily and confidently. If you know grammatical rules well and understand how to apply them, you can avoid those mistakes that make your speech strange and difficult for native speakers to comprehend.

In certain situations, grammar is not just essential, it is absolutely necessary. For instance, you have to master English grammar, if you are going for interviews with an English-speaking company or planning to look for a job in an English-speaking country. Simply put, in both cases, it will probably be important for a potential employer to understand your language proficiency. Having a good grasp of grammar won’t just allow you to show off your English proficiency since it will also show a potential employer that you’ve studied hard and have an eye for detail.

Top English Grammar Flashcard Decks 2024

Electronic flashcards are not only a great way to learn new vocabulary in the target language, but also an opportunity to improve your grammatical skills. Here are the best English Grammar Flashcard decks for 2024.

English Grammar In Use Activities

Grammar really works only in practice, when you apply the acquired knowledge to communicate and obtain information. Try to understand, not memorize. The thing is that memorization only works when you need to remember, such as tenses of irregular verbs or situations in which the definite article The is used.

The key to practicing grammar is its active use in speech and writing. Completing the exercises allows you to consolidate grammatical rules in practice and check the level of their assimilation by the student. This deck has approximately 3606 notes.

English Grammar In Use Exercises

Do grammar exercises by means of the service AnkiPRO. When it comes to English grammar exercises, choose ones that explain the rules of grammar in a simple and accessible way. By practicing grammar every day, you can increase your confidence, communicate and write in English with ease. Start practicing today. If you want to improve your English skills, don’t waste time. The presented deck contains 5885 notes. The use of English grammar undoubtedly helps students master the main aspects of this language.

Advanced English Grammar In Use Activities

English grammar should be studied regularly to improve your knowledge. To determine the appropriate way to learn English grammar, it is important to remember that in English, grammar is secondary. First, the language appeared for the interaction of people, and then, on an intuitive level, rules for the use of words and sentences arose. Interactive exercises make grammar fun and engage all students. These flashcards allow English learners to achieve high-level language fluency faster than any other method in the world. The deck contains about 2500 words needed for every day’s communication.

Idioms and Phrasal Verbs-English Grammar Digest

An integral part of spoken English are idioms, proverbs and sayings, as well as phrasal verbs. They are quite common in both written and spoken English. They are found in other languages, but in English they are especially common and numerous. The active vocabulary of a native English speaker contains approximately 1000-1200 phrasal verbs.

They are built from a limited number of the simplest and most ancient verbs and a small set of prepositions and adverbs. This widely-used classic book helps English learners to pick up a language and understand more than 240 of the most common English-language idioms and phrasal verbs.

Oxford English Grammar

Completing this type of assignment helps to identify gaps in English language knowledge and focus on weak points. Online flashcards in English, which can be completed several times, are especially popular. With their help, you will not only increase your general level of knowledge but also be able to prepare for various language exams. There are approximately 131 notes here.

Grammar Speaks. Fundamentals of English Grammar

Online English flashcard decks are much more convenient compared to regular printed ones, because you only have to click on the expected answer, and the program will count the number of correctly completed tasks and point out mistakes. This will save a lot of time and focus on what is really worth tightening up. The presented deck contains 176 useful notes.

English Grammar Today

Completing these exercises allows you to consolidate grammatical rules in practice and check the level of their assimilation by students. The presented system of exercises on certain rules of English grammar also makes it possible to develop automaticity in students. The presented deck contains 71 notes. The use of these virtual flashcards undoubtedly helps learners master the main aspects of the target language.

English Grammar, Proverbs and Vocabulary

Proverbs and sayings are one of the brightest layers of the vocabulary of a language. They are found in every language, including English, and have accompanied people since ancient times. Proverbs reflect the culture of the people and are a repository of the cultural heritage of their creator, the people, and store grains of folk wisdom in the language.

English proverbs reflect the history and worldview of the people who created them, their traditions, morals, customs, common sense and humor. These speech patterns were created by many generations of people, developed and improved over the centuries. The presented deck has 1632 useful notes for learning grammar with proverbs.

Intermediate English Grammar

At the intermediate stage of learning English, the main goal is not only the ability to make everyday dialogues and briefly communicate on popular topics but also to be able to express one’s opinion on any subject. Intermediate-level mastering of grammar will help you express yourself beautifully to be understood by your interlocutor. The deck contains about 38 flashcards needed for communication and writing skills.

Bottom Line

English grammar can seem complicated and not too easy. However, if you spend the time and effort to understand it and learn how to use it correctly, it will certainly give you a huge boost in your language proficiency. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when practicing English, because sometimes this is the best way to learn something.

If you make an effort and approach learning grammar with enthusiasm and interest, you will not even notice how successfully you will master this difficult stage in learning a new language. The AnkiPRO application with productive flashcard decks will help you with this.

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