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Best Chinese Flashcard Decks 2024

Many experts believe that in the future the center of innovation will not be Silicon Valley, but China. Learning a language opens direct access to information about what could become our new reality tomorrow. It is worth noting that Chinese language skills are always admirable, even when it is a person’s native language. If he/she has learned it, then he/she immediately becomes doubly worthy of respect. After all, everyone knows how difficult eastern dialects are to master.

Chinese is one of six languages recognized by the UN as an official means of world communication. More and more people want to learn it. Learning Chinese can be difficult, but with the help of modern apps, it can become easier and more fun. For instance, the AnkiPRO platform for memorizing words and phrases based on repetition and the use of flash cards is very popular among foreign language learners.

Are Chinese Flashcard Decks Really Effective?

In addition to your Chinese lessons, you should learn flashcards with words and pictures on different topics on your own. This increases the efficiency of memorizing new words and maintains interest in learning in both adults and children. The AnkiPRO application is suitable for use at the initial and subsequent stages of language learning by adults and children as auxiliary material for Chinese language textbooks, both for classes with a teacher and for independent learning.

The method of learning Chinese using flashcards has been proving its highest effectiveness for many years in a row. Do you need to learn a language quickly and for a long time? Then Chinese flashcard decks are what you need. Using educational flashcards, you can conveniently organize a repetition system. Each card represents a different piece of information, and you can distribute them according to a specific repetition schedule. For example, at the first stage you can repeat the cards every day, at the next stage – after 3 days, then after a week and so on.

Top Chinese Flashcard Decks 2024

To make learning Chinese even more effective, it is recommended to use electronic decks with Chinese flash cards several times a day at intervals of several hours. By regularly studying Chinese words, you will greatly expand your vocabulary within a year. Here’s the top Chinese decks for 2024.

Most Common 3000 Chinese Hanzi Characters

Each Chinese character is a combination of a certain number of elementary traits. A stroke consists of one continuous line. In this case, one line is written at one time, without lifting the pen from the sheet of paper. Simple Chinese characters can have only one or two strokes, while complex ones can have up to two dozen or more.

What counts here is that lines have no lexical meaning or pronunciation. The presented deck contains 3000 notes. The use of these Chinese Hanzi characters undoubtedly helps learners master the main aspects of the Chinese language.

Chinese Grammar Wiki Study Deck

The grammar of the Chinese language is complex at first glance. However, remembering that it is built according to a strictly logical scheme, you can easily learn its basics. For example, unlike European languages, the form of words in Chinese does not change. Words in Chinese have the same form, no matter what they mean or what position they occupy in a sentence.

Furthermore, Chinese verbs are not inflected as adjectives do not agree with nouns. This deck implies a helpful language series that is designed to focus on learning Chinese grammar. There are approximately 5890 notes here.

Chinese Writing

Chinese writing consists of 50 thousand characters. However, about three thousand of them are used for communication in everyday life. Writing in China is based on writing keys, that is. fixed elements of writing, by combining which hieroglyphic writing is obtained. The deck contains about 217 words needed for mastering writing skills in Chinese.

Chinese Grammar Advanced

Learning Chinese grammar is a complex and intricate process that requires close attention and regular practice. The AnkiPRO application helps its users learn Chinese grammar and therefore regularly expands its collection of useful materials for self-study. In this deck of flashcards, you will find a list of the 66 most commonly used Chinese grammar structures to begin your journey of mastering the language.

Chinese Idioms

For a start, Chinese idioms imply a special type of intricate and expressive phrases that are an important part of Chinese culture and heritage. Each Chinese idiom is made up of several characters that represent individual words or concepts. In terms of significance, the meanings of idioms are mostly concentrated and compressed, so they are relatively complete and abstract. The presented deck contains 235 notes. The use of idioms assists learners in mastering the Chinese language.

Essential Chinese for English Speakers

Learning basic Chinese words and phrases is actually not as difficult as it seems. This deck contains frequently used Chinese words that are useful for communication. This widely-used classic book helps Chinese learners to pick up a language and understand 1446 words and phrases.

Hello Chinese – Animals

Learning the names of animals in Chinese will help not only expand your vocabulary but also understand the culture and mentality of the Chinese people. By the way, I\it can be an interesting and useful activity for those planning to visit China or communicate with Chinese speaking people. Moreover, knowing the differences between the symbolic characteristics of different animals will help you identify the underlying messages or meanings in Chinese art and literature and understand Chinese idioms that refer to animals. The presented deck contains 11 notes.

Chinese Food and Drink

China is one of the most ancient and mysterious countries in the world with centuries-old traditions. National Chinese cuisine combines the culinary characteristics of each of the 23 provinces of the country. Lots of Chinese cuisine things can shock an inexperienced tourist, but after trying it, you can easily be surprised by the variety of tastes that will open up to your taste buds. The presented deck contains 311 notes.

Xiaomanyc Street-Smart Chinese Vocabulary

Learning basic Chinese words will allow you to understand people around you, as well as construct simple sentences. This deck has approximately 193 useful cards. The list will assist Chinese learners in developing their street-smart vocabularies.

400 Most Common Chinese Words in the Daily Basis

This deck contains flashcards with basic phrases that are worth remembering to keep the conversation going and not make a fool of yourself. These vocabulary units will definitely assist you in quickly conveying the idea of the Chinese language. There are approximately 409 notes here.

G019a: Chinese Pleasantries

Knowing a few useful phrases in Chinese will not only help you avoid awkward communication but will allow you to create new contacts with others and take communication to a new level. In this deck you will find the most common and simple colloquial Chinese pleasantries. The presented list contains 20 notes.

Bottom Line

Learning a foreign language is a good activity for the mind, a great way to expand your social circle and learn more about the culture of other peoples. With the giant technological leap of tablets and smartphones, we now have not only endless entertainment and connectivity to the entire planet but also access to an incredible amount of educational software. Developers regularly offer apps for learning languages.

Undoubtedly, the Chinese language requires constant training and complete immersion in the process, so it is impossible to limit yourself to just applications. However, this method will allow you to learn the language in any environment: in a queue, on a bus, or before going to bed. If you are already learning Chinese, use the AnkiPRO platform for studying Chinese words and phrases.

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