Image Occlusion Anki Pro Feature
Master your memory with visual learning. Try image occlusion anki flashcards to break down complex materials into manageable, hidden fragments for optimal memorization and retention!
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Works offline
and syncs across devices
Intuitive design
create, share and learn cards
Personalized learning
algorithm presents for your goals

Trusted by students from

Create cards from images
Transform your digital flashcards into a dynamic learning tool with image occlusion anki app. Customize each card to your needs and enjoy the freedom of editing at Anki Pro!
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Learn by fragments
Divide detailed diagrams, charts, and maps into bite-sized pieces. Anki Image occlusion helps you focus on one part at a time, allowing you to master intricate details and build a comprehensive understanding piece by piece.
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Customize your learning
Tailor your study sessions by choosing which parts of an image to hide. Whether you’re studying anatomy, geography, or any visual-heavy subject, you can customize your image occlusion anki flashcards to suit your specific learning needs and preferences.
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Hack memory retention
Improve your memory retention by repeatedly testing your recall on occluded images. This active recall practice strengthens neural connections, ensuring that information stays fresh in your mind for longer periods.
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Collaborate with friends
Share your image occlusion anki pro flashcards with friends and study groups. Collaborate on creating and reviewing these enhanced flashcards to benefit from different perspectives and improve collective learning outcomes.
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Explore 50K+ decks in the library
Want to save time or need some extra inspiration to make flashcards online with image occlusion? Find high-quality decks of flashcards in the Anki Pro’s library with over 50,000 decks! From basic subjects to niche topics, connect with like-minded users through their work for the community!
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Learn anytime, anywhere
Create flashcards online and study them offline. Find contexts in your life to form the learning habit, whether it’s waiting for a bus or enjoying your coffee. Your updates will sync perfectly across all your devices.

User Reviews
Originally, my biology teacher showed me how to use image occlusion anki pro features. Been using the app to prepare for the MCAT.
May 17, 2024
My French teacher has recommended anki language learning to integrate the new language into my life on a deeper level. Thanks to Anki Pro and her decks, I progress so much!
December 12, 2023
Image occlusion Anki Pro features are a must when it comes to studying anatomy. I can’t imagine studying without it 🔥
April 3, 2024
Spaced repetition is like reviewing at the right moments to make information stick🌼 You can use app like Anki Pro which uses image occlusion for effective learning.
December 20, 2023
Feeling some serious frustration with French lately, but Anki Pro is keeping me sane 🤯🇫🇷
March 19, 2023
Share deck anki experience was life-changing when preparing for my first med school exam. The amount of material to learn was enormous, so collab with friends was crucial.
April 26, 2024
I was looking at how to share anki deck when using the original Anki app but the share deck Anki Pro features are so much more convenient. Now I use it all the time!
June 11, 2024