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Prepare, Practice, Perform: How to Study for a Math Test 

Kai Ling Abang
Kai Ling Abang
15 novembre 2024
8 min read

Math tests are interesting, but can be triggering if you are a person who calls himself a «humanities-minded person». Here we don’t believe in humanities and techies-minded people’s separation, because with the right approach and with smart preparation everyone can master any subject. 

What Is Specific About Math Tests?

Math exams are different from many other exams because they require not only memorization but skill in solving math problems. So you not only need to memorize formulas and concepts, but you need to deeply understand the system and have a lot of information in your head. Everything in this science is interconnected so you better don’t skip any topics. 

The term math test is too wide, it can include geometry, algebra, and statistics, as well as it can describe different levels of exams: schools, university, and professional qualifications tests. So the tips in this article will be quite general but hopefully will give some orientational advice on how to study for a math test. 

Step 1. Study the Exam Structure 

If it’s a class test and you are taking math classes at a school or university, ask your teacher about the sections, question types, and topics that will be covered. They may provide a study guide or outline. For standardized practice tests like the SAT or GRE, consult official prep materials or practice exams to understand the structure, time limits, and question types. This will help you to create a plan for how to study for a math test. 

Also, analyze the grading system and timing (how much time will you have for every section and the whole exam). 

Step 2. Find Your Bottom Line 

To know where you are on your preparation journey, take a probation exam in an official testing center or on the website (sometimes you can do it for free, but sometimes you will need to pay for it). You can find last year’s test task and create an exam environment at home, set up a timer and then check yourself. 

The result will show your level and your weak and strong areas. With this information, you can start thinking how to study for a math test in more detail. 

Step 3. Study the Theory 

Before going into practice problems make sure you know all the theory. If you want to plan how to study for a math test by yourself first of all you need to learn the theory. Learn and understand the precise definitions of terms, theorems, and axioms, and make your math vocabulary reacher. Use your textbook or reliable online resources to clarify any confusion.

Go into the roots of concepts, and get why theorems and concepts work. For example, don’t just memorize that the Pythagorean theorem applies to right triangles — understand why and how it’s derived.

Step 4. Seek Help 

If even a thought about how to study for a math test by yourself makes you panic or, you realize that some topics are hard to understand or you generally dislike math but still need to pass your university exam for a passing grade (it happens, we understand), consider finding a tutor or enrolling in a preparatory course. It may cost some additional money so make sure you check some reviews about the course to pick up a good one. But courses and tutors will save you from a lot of stress and help to prepare more smoothly. If you are studying at school, make sure you are doing your homework assignment for every class.

Step 5. Fill in Knowledge Gaps 

Math concepts build upon each other, like steps in a staircase, where each new topic relies on understanding previous ones. For example, algebra skills are essential for calculus, as calculus requires the manipulation of equations built on algebraic foundations. So if you don’t know or don’t understand something (especially in some foundational concepts), learn about it as soon as possible. Gaps in basic skills can create barriers when learning more complex math.

Step 6. Do a Lot of Practice 

How to study for a math test? Just solve a lot of math problems on a topic. Look for example problems in your textbook, lecture notes, and any study guides provided by your teacher. These often include problems that are similar in style and difficulty to those on the exam. But don’t focus only on one textbook or website, find different sources. Try online platforms, past exams, or even math apps to find a diverse set of problems on each topic. The broader your practice, the better prepared you’ll be for different question types.

Step 7. Create a Formula Sheet

Writing down each formula with detailed explanations can significantly improve your retention and comprehension. Start by writing the formula out in its entirety, ensuring you note any subscripts, exponents, and special notations exactly as they appear. Being precise helps you avoid mistakes in notation, which can lead to errors on exams. 

Next to the formula, write down what each variable represents. You can also add some important concepts you may need on an exam

Step 8. Review Mistakes and Focus on Weak Areas 

Always go over incorrect answers to understand where you went wrong. This helps prevent similar mistakes in the future and improves your understanding of the topic. Don’t give up on weaknesses—target them until you feel confident. Spend some extra time on these problems, you can beat them. If needed ask your teacher or classmate for help, maybe it will take just a few minutes to understand.

How to Study for a Math Practice Test With Flashcards 

After you write down everything you need for the exam, it is time to memorize all you need with flashcards. Studying with math flashcards is an effective way to memorize many formulas and concepts, and practice problem-solving. 

You can use online flashcards or old-way paper math flashcards, but digital flashcards may be more convenient and applications like Anki Pro have an automatic spaced repetition mechanism that makes studying easier and more effective.

 Also, digital math flashcards are more comfortable because you have your phone and your cards with you all the time (until you lose your phone), so you can easily study on your way to university while waiting for your friends, or anywhere else. But the choice is up to you! 

How to Make Math Test Flashcards? 

  • One flashcard — one idea 

Write the formula, definition, or problem prompt on the front. For formulas, include only the formula itself on the front so you’re challenged to recall the meaning.

  • Add visuals (graphics, tables, etc) 

Where it is appropriate, add illustrations like graphics and tables to use visual memory. 

  • Add example problems 

Create cards where you put the problem on the front and the solution on the Back. For example, put the question on the front and the full solution, step-by-step, on the back. This is especially helpful for challenging concepts, allowing you to review problem-solving techniques compactly.

How to Work With Flashcards 

Here is what you can do on the practical side to prepare for the math test with flashcards. 

  • Quiz Yourself 

Use active recall and don’t flip the card immediately, recall the answer in your head and then check the other side. 

  • Use pre-made decks 

You can check some pre-made decks online, and if any are suitable for your topic, use them in your preparation process. Here are some pre-made decks for you to take a look at. 

Decks to Take a Look At 

  • Math Formulas: Trigonometry, Derivatives & Integration 

Excellent rate deck with the main formulas of the stated sciences. Perfect study tool to quickly review your knowledge or prepare for exams. It consists of over a hundred math test flashcards. 

Explore the deck: Math Formulas: Trigonometry, Derivatives & Integration

  • GRE Math Formulas 

The deck is specially designed for preparation for the Graduate Record Examination which has a math part. It consists of math test flashcards certain specific data analysis or interpretation, arguments and reasoning, algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. This deck helps to memorize all the needed information to pass the mathematician parts of it. 

Explore the deck: GRE Math Formulas

General Tips 

Math requires a lot of logic, organization, and calmness. You will need a clear and well-rested mind both for the exam and for the preparatory classes. Also, you need to feed your mind so it works well, sleep enough and stay concentrated. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help because math is a practical exam and you need to learn how to solve problems, it is not a shame if you can’t do it on the first try. 

Try to stay calm, don’t worry too much, and believe in yourself. Good luck! 

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