Anki Pro Flashcards for Students

Make online flashcards to prepare for exams. Study more efficiently with spaced repetition. The best flashcard app is here to try for free!
3M+ users

students, teachers, hobbyists, knowledge collectors

88% of users improve their grades

according to our internal survey from 06/07/2023

50K+ pre-made decks

tailored to all possible exam topics

Based on 17K+ reviews

Anki Pro Flashcards for Students
Trusted by students from

Ace exams

Let's face it: to properly prepare for an exam, you need time and strategy. Cramming is not even that romantic! With flashcards for students, you’ll study smart and stress less. Create flashcards online, quiz yourself, and stay on track with the personalized review schedule!
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Ace exams

Customize flashcards

Use different templates to make flashcards online, add images, color code your notes—make your study materials stand out! Flashcards not only make studying more enjoyable but also help in better retention of information through visual learning cues.
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Customize flashcards

Hack memory retention

Start preparing for an exam in advance to let the Spaced Repetition algorithm do its magic. Otherwise, if you have less than a week before day X, opt for the “General” algorithm to quiz yourself and memorize flashcards.
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Hack memory retention

Collaborate with friends

Create flashcards with your study buddies, adding notes to the same decks. Share a deck of flashcards you’ve made in just a few clicks. Quiz each other. Foster collaboration and connection with the best flashcards for students online.
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Collaborate with friends

Explore decks in the library

Want to save time or need some extra inspiration to make flashcards online? Find high-quality decks of flashcards in the Anki Pro’s library with over 50,000 decks! From basic subjects to niche topics, connect with like-minded users through their work for the community!
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Students About Anki Pro

Morris Blunt
Morris Blunt
Medical school anki flashcards saved my academic life! Anki Pro has the best anatomy flashcards for medical students. With so much to remember, these flashcards made everything so much easier, especially with my ADHD.
May 16, 2024
Flashcards for students are much more fun to make and learn when partnered with study buddies! Highly recommended by med school Anki Pros.
July 1, 2024
Anki Pro flashcards for nursing students gave me the structure I needed to actually get through my classes and exams.
December 14, 2023
Zarina Groevaya
My French teacher has recommended anki language learning to integrate the new language into my life on a deeper level. Thanks to Anki Pro, I became an expert on how to use anki for language learning!
December 12, 2023
Tia Jones
I study history using flashcards for students pre-made by Anki Pro users who already graduated from my uni. How fun!
April 3, 2024
Spaced repetition is like reviewing at the right moments to make information stick🌼 You can use app like Anki Pro which uses spaced repetition for effective learning.
December 20, 2023
Anki med school decks from Anki Pro are fantastic! They helped me tackle the overwhelming amount of material. I was too lazy to make new decks myself, so thank you for the best flashcards for nursing students!
March 10, 2024
Missy C
Missy C
Anki medical school flashcards and Anki Pro have been my best friends because I didn’t have time for real ones. The pharmacology flashcards for nursing students are top-notch, they helped me keep up with the demanding coursework.
March 19, 2023
Morris Blunt
Morris Blunt
Medical school anki flashcards saved my academic life! Anki Pro has the best anatomy flashcards for medical students. With so much to remember, these flashcards made everything so much easier, especially with my ADHD.
May 16, 2024


What is Anki Pro?

What is spaced repetition?

How to prepare for an exam with Anki Pro?

Can I use Anki Pro for free?

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